Welcome to Narco State 9.
2-4 August 2025
The Compound, Kinmount
Registration page here (link will be active when registration opens)
Storyline & Situation:
The fighting in the Kinmount area seems to have died down, the area of operations calming after the fight last year. There have been small skirmishes, but a “no conflict” area has naturally developed – almost like a wall separating locals from the cartel that has taken over the area, there seems to be an uneasy peace.
The locals however are planning on retaking the entire area, as they need the resources and farmable land that the cartel is sitting on … they can’t just exist by buying product from the cartel, they need to take over the area and need to make money to make this happen. They watched the cartel, learned how profitable it has been for them to make FC2.0 and have set up meetings with some high value exporters that have been making inquiries, they want to move product and are willing to spend money to make it happen.
The cartel, content with making FC2.0 and selling it to their exporters have laid low, recovering from their fight last year but now they are setting their sights on the remaining land in the area, which would allow them to set up larger processing facilities and make more money by making more product. Their leader has been planning on taking the land back, turning FC2.0 into a profitable crop.
Event Timings:
Friday, 1 August 2025
1700 – Camping Opens
1800-1930 – Contract registration Opens
2000-2300 – Contracts available (details at registration desk)
2330 (both factions) – Commander’s Meeting (at admin)
Saturday, 2 August 2025
0800 – Check in / Chrono opens
1200 – Check in Closes
1230 – Chrono Closes
1300 – Game Briefing
1430 – Day 1 Start
Sunday, 3 August 2025
0130 – Day 1 End
1000 – Day 2 Starts
2200 – Day 2 Ends
Monday, 4 August 2025
1000 – Camping Closes – was ask that all participants be packed up and moving off site by this time.
Narco State is civilian clothing only for regular factions, with a primary colour (so the colour that is on display the most on your person).
//Faction colours will be announced via facebook post and the rules adjusted accordingly//
Helmets/Load bearing equipment are not restricted, any colour/camos can be worn by any
faction – other than primarily red/orange or fluorescent colours (not authorized at any time) – see restricted colours below
Restricted event colours:
YOU MAY NOT WEAR RED, OR FLUORESCENT CLOTHING OR GEAR (defined as: Orange, Green, Yellow, Blue) – these colors are restricted to event staff and photographers.
Medic Rules (Both Factions):
We will be utilizing the buddy healing system at this event. We ask that participants bring a simulated tourniquet to the event, to be used by someone on their faction to revive them once they are hit. We will not be giving them away at this event and we ask that you have one with you or acquire one from a vendor.
When a player is hit, they are to call for a medic. They can take a few steps out of the way once they have identified themselves as hit with a dead rag/dead light in order to clear the line of fire. At no time can a dead player speak to the location of live players – Dead Players do not talk – feel free to play up the situation, role playing is always a fun part of Narco State Events.
When reviving a downed player, there is a 60 second heal timer. The person reviving the downed player will have to place 1 hand on the player and count to 60. They can use 1 hand to use a sidearm to defend themselves and the downed player. The downed player may not use any weapon at all. If shot while attempting to revive the player, the count ends and both players are down – until someone else tries to heal them.
if you are downed and waiting for a person to heal you – you have a 5 minute bleed out period. during that time, all items you are carrying must be dropped – if they are picked up by another player (friendly or opposition) you are considered dead and must return to your faction control point.
Faction CPs:
Each faction will be given time to establish and set up a CP. Each commander will be given the choice of CP locations on Friday night and will provide those details to their players.
Players may bring and establish team CPs in this area – they are not to set up camp in these areas however – this is not a designated campsite, it is only a place to keep equipment and keep squads fed, watered and operational. CPs are not safe zones (eye protection on at all times) and can be disrupted by
Enemy forces.
Attacking (disrupting) a CP:
In game CPs are not a safe area and must be protected from enemy forces. If raiding a CP, only in game props/intel can be removed. Commanders will be carrying identifying chips (poker chips) that can be recovered if they are killed – return these to your CP and provide them to your Command for points. Personal property cannot be removed from the CP during the raid, leave other people’s
stuff alone. In game props/intel cannot be hidden in personal property and must
be in the open inside the CP.
Photographs of personnel, maps, intel, etc can be taken inside an enemy CP for intel purposes.
A CP under attack cannot be spawned from for 10 minutes. Attacking forces must retreat after 10 minutes and must move 50m in all directions from the CP allowing for forces to re-enter the playing field from the CP.
Start Locations:
During the meeting of Commanders on Friday evening, both factions will be allowed to choose where their forces will spawn on the field at event start. The different spawn points on the field will allow commanders to select a number of players to start in each location. Each commander will choose these in alternating and secret fashion – they will be provided a map of starting locations and will be responsible for ensuring their players are updated on start locations.
In game vehicles:
There are no faction specific vehicles in play, and at times there may be the Blackcell Promotions staff vehicle moving around the field – it will have it’s 4 ways on and will not be armed. The drivers are not participating in the event – they are simply staff – They may be carrying passengers – wait until they are 10 paces from the vehicle before engaging – they cannot use the vehicle as cover. If there is a requirement to have the vehicle stopped as part of a mission – game control will be present and will provide the method in which the vehicle is to be stopped.
There will be several different types of currency in play at NS9, from gold coins, poker
chips, money rolls or money packets – all with varying values. If you find something of value in
the field, you should pick it up.
Currency is the lifeblood of Narco state. Any player must carry funds to be allowed into the field to participate. Funds can only be made through the selling of FC2.0 or by stealing it from the opposition. It is encouraged that factions plan in advance and create “stashes” that are outside of their CP, preventing losses from raids. When currency has been found and is returned to your CP, it can be turned into your command for them to re-distribute in order to put players back into play. Excess funds can be deposited with the banker (and it will be considered safe at that time).
Manfucuring FC2.0:
FC2.0 is a means to an end, the locals learned how to make it from the cartels and now both sides can make it an sell it – but which one will provide the best deal to HVEs? Factions can “stockpile” product in any location they would like, but it can be raided and stolen by opposing teams. HVEs will place orders, and factions are required to fill them for currency to be added to their bank balances. Electronic bank transfers are allowed from HVEs and will result in a confirmation code being given to the faction leader.
High Value Exporters (HVEs):
They will visit the area when they are looking for product, or have a task. They can often be found hanging around in the streets or will interact with you from the shadows … be aware that they sometimes have security or sometimes they are a little strung out – have fun with them and see what they can give you – but always be sure what or who you are engaging – sometimes killing one just isn’t worth it.
NARCO Contracts are timed missions that are presented to each cartel . These will occur before Day 1.
registration for contracts will take place on Friday afternoon where you can sign up for a contract for your faction after registration. These contracts will allow for pistols only (no rifles, lmgs, shotguns or sniper rifles), no grenades. Required equipment: Pistol, dead rag/light, eye pro.
Allowed equipment: night vision devices are allowed.
Some of these Contracts will involve raids, product recovery, meeting a High value exporter to sell them a set amount of product, etc.
Completing your mission will result in a large deposit of currency to your cartel for the main event. You may also have the chance at gaining a foot hold prior to game start as some missions will allow you to capture a point on the field which will carry over to the next day.
Failure will result in a penalty to your cartel of a certain amount of currency from the overall cartel account, this will influence your cartel’s ability to bring players back into the game the following day if the balance is dropped to low.
The Banker:
The black market banker that was onsite for most of the Narco State events will be back. He will secure deposits if you are able to meet up with him and arrange a deposit. Faction Commanders can draw funds if needed to keep their operation running. Details will be discussed at the Commander’s meeting. The banker is not considered hostile and if shot will be unable to accept deposits for a certain amount of time (once he’s been healed). There is no “bank” and he will be found wandering or can be reached by message (details to be passed on to commanders at their briefing).
Radio frequencies:
We ask that all players using BAOFENG style radios to limit them to “low” power in an attempt to prevent bleed over.
In the interest of maintaining the spirit of the game, we ask that both teams respect their channels and stay off of opposing faction channels.
Channel 1 – 462.5625 – Main Game Control Channel (all – not to be monitored)
Channel 2 – 462.4875 – Yakuza to GC
Channel 3 – 462.6125 – Yakuza 1
Channel 4 – 462.6375 – Yakuza 2
Channel 5 – 462.6625 – Yakuza 3
Channel 6 – 462.4875 – Yakuza to GC back up
Channel 7 – 462.7125 – Yakuza to GC back up 2
Channel 8 – 467.5625 – Omega to GC
Channel 9 – 467.5875 – Omega 1
Channel 10- 467.6125 – Omega 2
Channel 11-467.6375 – Omega 3
Channel 12-467.6625 – Omega to GC back up
Channel 13-467.6875 – Omega to GC back up 2
Channel 14-467.7125 – GC Spare
Channel 15-462.5500 – GC Spare
Channel 16-462.5750 – Main Game Control Channel Back up
Channel 17-462.6000 – HVE contact channel
Channel 18-462.6250 – HVE contract channel back up
Channel 19-462.6500 – GC Spare
Channel 20-462.6750 – GC Spare
Channel 21-462.7000 – GC Spare
Channel 22-462.7250 – GC Spare
General Gameplay rules:
Who Can Play: The minimum age to play is 16 years old. All players under the age of
18 MUST have a waiver signed and should be accompanied by someone on the field at
all times.
Waiver: https://thecompoundevents.ca/waiver
Safety: We consider safety the #1 priority. Airsoft & Milsim is designed for the mature
and level-headed player. Common sense and the right, fair-play, honest attitude are a
must at our events.
We require everyone when not on the playing field to have their magazine out and
safety on! All pistols must be holstered.
All players are required to attend the safety briefing prior to the start of the game.
While we encourage players to wear face protection, it is not required. Face protection
will however allow players to enjoy the fast pace and often close-quarters nature of the
events without fear of damage to their face and teeth.
We require that all players wear ASTM certified eye protection. ANSI Z87.1 and/or
ASTM F- 1776-99a rated (or greater) ballistic eye protection will also be accepted. We
do recommend full seal eye protection due to the nature of the environment we play in,
but this is not an enforced requirement at this time.
There will be a Mandatory Ejection of any players lifting or removing eye protection
while in “goggle on” areas (Playing Field, Chronograph Area, and Target Area)
Cease Fire: Players or staff should call “NO DUFF” if you or another player is injured or
loses their eye protection and requires immediate Admin/Medical attention. You will
need to both vocally and via Comms (if possible) make the “NO DUFF” call with
approximate location and details of the incident – Event staff will investigate and then
give the all clear when the NO DUFF has been lifted. Magazines should be removed
and players will not be allowed to move around during a NO DUFF unless instructed to
do so by Event Staff or if assisting with injured personnel. EVENT STAFF ARE THE
ONLY ONES THAT ARE TO CONTACT LOCAL 911 SERVICES. Situations requiring a NO DUFF call must be serious as they result in event stoppage.
Minimum Mandatory Equipment: Gun, Eye Protection, red dead rag, red dead light and
camouflage or uniform to match team colors.
YOU MAY NOT WEAR RED, OR FLUORESCENT CLOTHING OR GEAR – these colors are restricted to event staff and photographers.
General Decency Rules:
No verbal abuse, name-calling, profanity, etc. will be tolerated.
No stealing, vandalizing, or fighting. (You will be turned over to the police)
No Drugs or Alcohol while the event is taking place
No Barricading doors, windows and no remodeling of the field of play.
No riot shields
Class 1 IR Lasers will be allowed, once they have been confirmed with game staff and
are marked accordingly. All other lasers are prohibited.
Flashlights are to not have a red filter – red lights designate a dead player and as such
if a red light is used, it signifies that you are eliminated (RED = DEAD). Deadlights are
not required to flash however it is suggested that a flashing red light be used as a
deadlight. Regardless of flashing or not, RED light designates an eliminated player.
Who’s In Charge: Game Staff and Referees have the final say. No Arguing with Staff.
Weapon Systems and FPS Rules: There will be 4 classes of weapons allowed at our
events – the abilities and limitations for each are listed below.
All platforms will be chronographed using .3g BBs.
In the case of HPA platforms, .3g BBs will be used unless you are using a higher weight
BB – you will be chronographed using your ammo.
Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Rifles (M4, AK, etc): 1.5 Joules No
minimum engagement distance, SEMI ONLY (Binary triggers are not permitted)
400fps w/.20g, 328fps w/.30g
MGs (M249 SAW, RPKs, Krytac LMG, NOT M4s with box mags: 1.5 Joules
20 foot minimum engagement distance – cannot shoot indoors and must break the
plane of a window on the first floor of any building,
RPS (rounds per second) cap of 35
400fps w/.20g, 328fps w/.30g
DMR/Sniper Rifles: 1.87 Joules Minimum engagement
distance 75ft and SEMI-AUTO ONLY -cannot shoot indoors and must break the plane of a window on the first floor of any building,
450fps w/0.20g, 366fps w/0.30g
** DMRs must be mechanically semi locked
SMG’s (MP5, MP7, UMP, KRISS Vector, Thompson, Uzi, any replica that
shoots a pistol caliber round): 1.0 Joules
RPS (rounds per second) cap of 25
No minimum engagement distance
328fps w/.20g, 268fps w/.30g
** SMGs that chrono above 1J will be allowed under the standard semi only rule
** AA12 shotguns are not considered SMGs and will be restricted to Semi only at
all Times
Any weapons that do not chronograph below safety limits will not be allowed
on the field! NO EXCEPTIONS!
If you are caught tampering with the FPS after you have chrono’d and have not re-
All guns will be chrono’d by our staff prior to game start and randomly throughout the
ALLOWED. This includes touch kills and knife kills. Violation of this rule will result in immediate ejection.
Ammo: Only bio bb’s and bio tracers are permitted on the field (In accordance with Compound Rules)
Magazine Limitations:
Realcaps: accepted for all classes of weapon / can reload in field
Midcaps: accepted for all classes of weapon, and are recommended / can reload in field
Box Magazines: must reload fresh box mags at CPs, spare box mags can be carried without limit and can be used to reload in field.
Assault rifles and SMGs with box magazines are not allowed to reload in field and must return to their spawn areas to do so.
High Cap Magazines: allowed, but must be ejected each time they are to be wound.
You are not allowed to walk around mag tickling throughout this event – you are to eject, wind then reinsert the magazine (to simulate a reload) … Cannot reload in field, must return to spawn area to reload them.
Hit Rule: If you are hit anywhere on your person or gear you are out. – Friendly fire counts. – All Hits count except for ricochets and gun hits.
Airsoft is a game of honor. CALL YOUR OWN HITS. Do not call opposing team players out. If you believe the hits on that player are not being called please inform game staff and they will look into it. Players caught cheating will get one warning and after that they will be ejected from the game.
After you are hit you will follow the event specific dead/medic rules.
Grenades: Only grenades that expel BBs will count for grenade kills. Inside of a building everyone in the room will be killed. BBs must strike a player to count. In the case of Grenades ricochets count since they simulate shrapnel. The buildings may have inside dividing walls – the grenade must land in the
same room and go off to count as a kill – you can be on the other side of a wall and survive – knee walls do not count must be floor to (simulated) ceiling. Grenades must be thrown underhand and cannot be thrown over a building wall (the “roofs” are simulated due to environment, but grenades cannot enter a
building over a wall).
Noise distraction devices do not count as a grenade; they are simply a distraction device.
No Home Made Pyro/Smoke or Grenade will be allowed, this includes the use of “road flares” or fireworks.
Master Mike shells will be allowed to be used.
40 Mike shells cannot be used.
Thunder Bs should not be filled with BBs as this was not their initial design, they are primarily a sound distraction device. There are burst grenades and tornadoes that have been designed to expel BBs, these will be allowed
Additional field specific rules are available here: https://thecompoundevents.ca/field-rules